Case Study: PasciVite’s First State-Level Contract with Bidify


Bidify’s collaboration with PasciVite highlights the transformative impact of a strategic RFP partnership. By improving their processes and providing expert guidance, Bidify helped PasciVite break into the state-level market, achieving a major business objective. This success story demonstrates how even companies with a solid foundation can benefit from Bidify’s advanced tools and expertise to reach new heights and secure bigger, more lucrative contracts.

The Bidify team is top notch! They have been great partners and this has been a fruitful investment in our RFP process.


PasciVite is a dynamic company with an established and streamlined approach to the RFP process. With a system that had served them well in securing smaller contracts, PasciVite was a reliable player in their industry. However, as the company grew, so did its ambitions. PasciVite set its sights on bigger accounts and more significant opportunities, such as state-level contracts that would elevate their business to the next level.


While PasciVite had a functional RFP process in place, it was tailored for smaller contracts. The company recognized that pursuing larger, state-level contracts required a more sophisticated approach. PasciVite needed to improve its RFP processes to meet the more stringent requirements and higher stakes associated with these larger opportunities. However, without the necessary expertise and tools, making this leap posed a significant challenge.

Solution: Elevating RFP Processes with Bidify

PasciVite partnered with Bidify to enhance their RFP process and pursue their goal of winning larger accounts. Bidify provided the expertise and resources needed to transition from their existing system to one capable of handling the complexities of state-level contracts:

•Process Improvement: Bidify worked closely with PasciVite to refine their RFP process. This involved not only upgrading their existing system but also implementing best practices that would make their bids more competitive for larger contracts.

•Expert Guidance: Bidify’s team of RFP specialists provided PasciVite with tailored advice and support throughout the bidding process. From understanding the unique requirements of state-level contracts to crafting persuasive proposals, Bidify ensured that PasciVite was fully prepared to compete at a higher level.

•Strategic Targeting: With Bidify’s advanced sourcing tools, PasciVite was able to identify and target the right state-level opportunities that aligned with their business goals. This strategic approach ensured that their efforts were focused on the most promising opportunities.


The partnership with Bidify led to a significant milestone for PasciVite: they successfully bid on and secured their first-ever state-level contract. This achievement not only validated the improvements made to their RFP process but also positioned PasciVite as a formidable contender for larger contracts in the future. The company is now better equipped to pursue even more ambitious opportunities, confident in their enhanced ability to compete.

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