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We Source, Write, and Win RFPs For Your Business.

We source RFPs
Bidify taps into a universe of open bids, and matches you with the perfect opportunities for your business.
We Build Winning Proposals
Bidify builds winning proposals with both AI and human experts. We format it, add your branding, and add details unique to your business.
Guaranteed ROI
If WE don't win YOU any RFPs, we'll create more proposals for free.

We get results, unlike most consultants.

This isn't our first rodeo. We've helped small to medium size businesses grow by winning them RFPs and helping them avoid unnecessary expenses. We put our money where our mouth is by guaranteeing an RFP win for your business.


RFPs Won For Our Clients


Saved by SMBs Annually


Average ROI


Saved in RFP Tools