Case Study: Equity Builders’ Journey into the RFP Process with Bidify


The partnership between Equity Builders and Bidify showcases the transformative impact of expert guidance and support in the RFP process. By providing the tools, knowledge, and confidence needed to pursue commercial contracts, Bidify has enabled Austin Cazier to take his company into new lucrative markets. This case study highlights how even businesses new to RFPs can achieve success with the right partner, turning uncertainty into opportunity.

I came in knowing nothing about RFPs and Bidify established my RFP process and flew on auto pilot. I highly recommend Bidify if you need some guidance for RFPs.


Equity Builders, founded by Austin Cazier, is a growing construction company with a strong regional reputation in residential projects. Despite their success, Austin knew that expanding into the commercial sector could unlock significant growth opportunities for his business. However, the RFP (Request for Proposal) process, which is crucial for winning commercial contracts, was completely new territory for Austin and his team.


Before engaging with Bidify, Equity Builders had never pursued RFPs. Austin Cazier was unsure where to begin, and the complexity of the RFP process left him feeling uncertain and lacking the confidence to compete for larger contracts. As a result, Equity Builders missed out on numerous opportunities to grow their business in the commercial space.

Solution: Guiding Equity Builders through the RFP Process

Austin partnered with Bidify, seeking a solution that could not only help him understand the RFP process but also position Equity Builders to compete for and win commercial contracts. Bidify provided a comprehensive support system that included:

•Opportunity Identification: Bidify’s team helped Equity Builders identify relevant RFP opportunities in the commercial sector. By targeting the right projects, Austin could focus his efforts on bids that aligned with his company’s capabilities and growth objectives.

•Expert Consultation: Recognizing Austin’s lack of experience with RFPs, Bidify offered personalized consultation and guidance. This included scheduled trainings on how to navigate the RFP process, from identifying and analyzing opportunities, to understanding the requirements and crafting a compelling proposal.

•Building Confidence: Through their hands-on support and wealth of expertise, Bidify gave Austin the confidence he needed to compete in the commercial space. Knowing that he had a knowledgeable partner by his side, Austin was able to approach RFPs with a newfound sense of assurance.


With Bidify’s guidance, Equity Builders successfully pursued and submitted their first RFPs. The knowledge and expertise that Bidify brought to the table not only demystified the process but also empowered Austin to seize opportunities that had previously been out of reach. Equity Builders is now well-positioned to expand their footprint in the commercial sector, with Austin confident in their ability to compete and win contracts that will drive the company’s growth.

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